What is Set operator?
Types of Set operator
What is union operator?
What is union all operator?
What is intersect operator?
What is minus operator?
What is Set operator?
Set operator is used to combine two or more rows or columns of table of database. There are a few set operators that are supported in sql. The set operators are generally used for get data/records from database in different special conditions. Such as union, intersect, distinct etc.
Types of Set operator
Union operator
Union is a type of set operator that is used to combine the results of two or more than two select statements. It not shows the duplicate rows.
Exampleselect SalesPersonID, SalesQuota from Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory UNION select SalesPersonID, SalesQuota from Sales.SalesPersonOutput

Union All operator
The union all operator works like union operator but the different is that, it shows the duplicate rows.
Exampleselect SalesPersonID, SalesQuota from Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory UNION ALL select SalesPersonID, SalesQuota from Sales.SalesPersonOutput

Intersect Operator
The intersect operator is also used for combine two or more than two select statement but it display only the common value of the select statement.
Exampleselect SalesPersonID from Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory INTERSECT select SalesPersonID from Sales.SalesPersonOutput

Minus Operator
Minus operator is used to display first statement value but it also not display the value that matched from the second statement result.
Exampleselect SalesPersonID from Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory MINUS select SalesPersonID from Sales.SalesPersonOutput

In this chapter we have learned about all types of set operators that are used in sql just like union, union all, intersect, etc. In the next chapter we will study about comparison operater and its type.