Other data types in SQL

In this chapter you will learn:
What is other data type?
Types of other data type

What is other data type?

There are so many data types that are not defined in any category so they are listed in another category. All data type that is not defined in any category are given in the following table-

Data types Range Used to store Storage (Bytes)
sql_variant Maximum length of 8016 bytes Different data types except text, ntext, image, timestamp, and sql_variant Variable size
uniqueidentifier Is a 16-byte GUID Data that uniquely identifies the rows in a table across the database. Variable size
table Result set to be processed later Result set to be processed later Variable size
xml xml instances and xml type variables xml instances and xml type variables Variable size
geometry Two-dimensional data Two-dimensional data Variable size
geography Ellipsoidal data Ellipsoidal data Variable size
hierarchyid Hierarchical data Hierarchical data Variable size


In this chapter, we learned other data types that are used in SQL. These data types are uncategorized so it has been put into others category. In the next you will see the examples of data types and also you have to solve some exercises.


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