In this chapter you will learn:
AND|OR statement
Syntax of AND|OR statement
Example of this statement
About AND|OR statement
SQL AND|OR statement is the supporting statement of select statement which is used to retrieve data with a condition. If you use AND then it is must to true to condition but if you use OR statement then any one of the condition is true then it can retrieve data.
Syntax of and|or statement
1. Select * from table_name where condition1 AND condition2
2. Select * from table_name where condition1 OR condition2
Example of AND statement
select * from humanresources.employee where title='Sales Representative' and MaritalStatus='S'

Example of OR statement
select * from humanresources.employee where title='Sales Representative' or MaritalStatus='S'

In this chapter, you have learned about AND|OR statement of SQL Server. In the next chapter you will learn about order by statement.