In this chapter you will learn
- How to use Operator in Razor Markup
- Programming Example
How to use Operator in Razor Markup
Razor Markup supports many operators of C# and VB.Net. There is no special rule for using operators in razor markup. You can simply use operators same as you use in c# programming or vb programming. Most common operators that is used in Razor markup is follows.
1. Math Operators : It is + (Plus), - (Minus) , * (Multiplication), / (Divide). It is used for mathematical calculation.
Example<html> <head> <title>Math Operators</title> </head> <body> @{ int num1, num2, plus, minus, multi, divide; num1 = 45; num2 = 9; plus = num1 + num2; minus = num1 - num2; multi = num1 * num2; divide = num1 / num2; } <h5>Addition : @num1 + @num2 = @plus</h5> <h5>Subtraction : @num1 - @num2 = @minus</h5> <h5>Multiplication : @num1 * @num2 = @multi</h5> <h5>Divide : @num1 / @num2 = @divide</h5> </body> </html>
Addition : 45 + 9 = 54
Subtraction : 45 - 9 = 36
Multiplication : 45 * 9 = 405
Divide : 45 / 9 = 5
Subtraction : 45 - 9 = 36
Multiplication : 45 * 9 = 405
Divide : 45 / 9 = 5
2. Assignment Operator : It is =(equal to). It is used for assigning right side value to left side variable.
Exampleint num = 55;
3. Equality Operator : It is == (Equality). It returns true if left hand side and right hand side value are equal otherwise return false.
Example<html> <head> <title>Equality Operators</title> </head> <body> @{ int[] num1={12,52,66,92,28}; int[] num2={73,12,98,23,52}; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int loop=0; loop<5; loop++) { if(num1[i]==num2[loop]) { <h5>Match Found : @num1[i]</h5> } } } } </body> </html>
Match Found : 12
Match Found : 52
Match Found : 52
4. Inequality Operator : It is != (Inequality). It returns true if both value are not equal.
Example<html> <head> <title>Inequality Operator </title> </head> <body> @{ int num1 = 5, num2 = 10; if(num1 != num2) { <h5>Returns True</h5> } } </body> </html>
Returns True
5. Comparison Operator : It is <, >, <=, => . It is used for comparing two integer or decimal values.
Example<html> <head> <title>Comparison Operator </title> </head> <body> @{ int num1 = 5, num2 = 10; if(num1 < num2) { <h5>@num1 is less than @num2</h5> } else { <h5>@num1 is greater than @num2</h5> } } </body> </html>
5 is less than 10
6. Concatenation Operator : It is + (Plus). It is used for joining two strings.
Example<html> <head> <title>Concatenation Operator</title> </head> <body> @{ string msg1 = "This is Razor Tutorial."; string msg2 = "And you are learning at"; string finalmsg= msg1 + " " + msg2; <h3>@finalmsg</h3> } </body> </html>
This is Razor Tutorial. And you are learning at
7. Increment and Decrement Operators : It is ++ or += and -- or -= . It is used for incrementing or decrementing integer value.
Example<html> <head> <title>Increment and Decrement Operators</title> </head> <body> @{ int inc = 5; <h3>Increment of @inc is @{inc++;} : @inc</h3> <h3>Decrement of @inc is @{inc--;} : @inc</h3> <h3>Increment of @inc is @{inc+=1;} : @inc</h3> <h3>Decrement of @inc is @{inc-=1;} : @inc</h3> } </body> </html>
Increment of 5 is : 6
Decrement of 6 is : 5
Increment of 5 is : 6
Decrement of 6 is : 5
Decrement of 6 is : 5
Increment of 5 is : 6
Decrement of 6 is : 5
8. Dot Operator : It is . (Dot). It is used to distinguish objects and their properties and methods.
Example<html> <head> <title>Dot Operator</title> </head> <body> @{ var num = "55"; int i; i=num.AsInt(); <h3>@i</h3> <h3>Browser Name : @Request.Browser.Id</h3> } </body> </html>
Browser Name : chrome
9. Parentheses : It is () . It is used to group expression and to pass parameters to methods.
Example<html> <head> <title>Parentheses</title> </head> <body> @{ int num1 = 5, num2 = 10; if((num1 + num2) == 15) { <h2>Addition is 15</h2> } } </body> </html>
Addition is 15
10. Bracket : It is [] . It is used for accessing value in arrays of collections.
Example<html> <head> <title>Bracket</title> </head> <body> @{ int[] arr={12,562,62,98,388}; <h3>@arr[3]</h3> } </body> </html>
11. Not Operator : It is ! (Not). It reverse true into false and false into true.
Example<html> <head> <title>Not Operator</title> </head> <body> @{ int num1 = 5, num2 = 10; if(!(num1 == num2)) { <h3>However conditions are false still this message appears because you have used not operator and it reverse the condition.</h3> } } </body> </html>
However conditions are false still this message appears because you have used not operator and it reverse the condition.
12. Logical Operator : It is && (AND) and || (OR). It is used to link conditions together and helps to make logic much better.&& - Returns true if all the specified conditions are true otherwise returns false.
|| - Returns true if one or all the conditions are true.
Example|| - Returns true if one or all the conditions are true.
<html> <head> <title>Logical Operator </title> </head> <body> @{ string username = "Steven"; string password = "Svn78*5"; if(username == "Steven" && password == "Svn78*") { <h3>Login Successful</h3> } else if(username == "Steven" || password == "12345") { <h3>Hello Steven, you have entered wrong password.</h3> } else { <h3>Unauthorized Login</h3> } } </body> </html>
Hello Steven, you have entered wrong password.