EF - New Database First Tutorial with ASP.NET 5 for Beginners

In this chapter, we will learn Entity Framework 6 with a new database with the help of easy programming example. We will create a demo Entity Framework Project here and explain all the steps briefly so you can understand it clearly. Before starting this chapter, following knowledge is required.

1. Basic knowledge of ASP.Net MVC
2. SQL Server 2005/2008/2012
3. C# Programming Language

About this Chapter

Here, I am going to create a simple MVC 5 project with the help of Entity Framework 6. This project will do the following thing.

1. One Page Design
2. Create Database and Table
3. Accept Entries from the User.
4. Save them to database
5. Display Data
6. Edit Data
7. Update Data
8. Delete Data

After finishing project, your application will look like:

EF - Database First Output


This chapter contains following lessons:


Start your first Entity Framework 6 Tutorial with New Database. Next is creating New MVC 5 Project.


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