In this chapter you will learn:
List-style-position property is used to specify the list style (bullet) inside or outside of content. It helps to positioning the bullet of list.About list-style-position property
Values of this property
Example of this property
Values of this property-
Values | Description |
inside | Bullet appears inside the content |
outside | Bullet appears outside of content |
initial | Specify the default list-style-type value |
inherit | Inherited from parent property |
Example of this property-
<html> <head> <title>Example of list-style-position property</title> <style type="text/css"> #a { list-style-position:inside; } #b { list-style-position:outside; } </style> </head> <body> <ul id="a"> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <li>Three</li> <li>Four</li> <li>Five</li> </ul><hr/> <ul id="b"> <li>One</li> <li>Two</li> <li>Three</li> <li>Four</li> <li>Five</li> </ul> </body> </html>
If you will run the given program then you will get that bullets of the list are positioned in different spaces due to list-style-position property.

In this chapter, you have learned about the list-style-position property. Some other properties of CSS are given in next chapter so click on Next button to continue-