CSS Top Property

In this chapter you will learn:
About top property
Values of this property
Example of this property

CSS top property is used to set the top edge of element which is absolutely positioned. If the element is static positioned then there will no affect of this property.

Values of this property
Values Description
auto browser calculate the position. It is the default value of top property.
% Used to set the top edge in % (percent)
length Used to set the top edge in px, cm etc.
initial Used to set the deafult value of the property
inherit Inherits from parent element

Example of this property

   <title>Example of top property</title>
    <style type="text/css">
<p> Simple paragraph without css property</p>
<p id="a">Paragraph with top property</p>

example of top property
In this chapter, you have learned about CSS top property with an example so now you can get help from this chapter to use this property. Click on Next button to continue learning-

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