One Dimensional Array in C#

In this chapter you will learn:
  • What is single dimensional array?
  • How to declare one dimensional array?
  • How to use single dimensional array in C# programming?

The one dimensional array or single dimensional array in C# is the simplest type of array that contains only one row for storing data. It has single set of square bracket (“[]”). To declare single dimensional array in C#, you can write the following code.

string[] Books = new string[5];

The array age is a one dimensional array that contains only 5 elements in a single row.  

Programming Example of One Dimensional Array:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace One_Dimensional_Array
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Declaring single dimensional array
            string[] Books = new string[5];
            Books[0] = "C#";
            Books[1] = "Java";
            Books[2] = "VB.NET";
            Books[3] = "C++";
            Books[4] = "C";

            Console.WriteLine("All the element of Books array is:\n\n");

            int i = 0;
            //Formatting Output
            for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                Console.Write("{0}\t", Books[i]);


All the element of Books array is:

1       2        3              4        5
C#    Java    VB.NET    C++    C


In this chapter you learned about single dimensional array in C#. You also learned how to store value and access value from single dimensional array. In next chapter you will learn about multi dimensional array in C#.

More Examples

Write A Program To Print One Dimensional Array In Reverse Order
Write A Program To Sort One Dimensional Array In Descending Order Using Non Static Method.
Write A Program To Sort One Dimensional Array In Desending Order Static Class Array Method.
Write A Program To Sort One Dimensional Array In Ascending Order Using Non Static Method.
Write A Program To Sort One Dimensional Array In Ascending Order Using Static Method.
Write A Program To Add The Diagonal Of Two-Dimensional Array.

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