- What are Generics
- How to Write Generics Program in C#
- Benefit of Generics in C#
What are Generics
In simple words, Generics are that type of classes which has PlaceHolder instead of datatypes. When you create generic classes you don’t specify its data type; datatypes are defined when you create objects. This makes Generic classes reusable and type-safe and your Generic classes and methods are able to work with any datatypes.
More about Generics
- Generics improves code usability, type safety and performance.
- Mostly Generics are used for creating collection classes.
- You can use Generics by adding System.Collections.Generic namespace.
- You can create your own Generic interfaces, classes, methods, events and delegates.
Declare Generics Class
public class GenericList<T> { void Add(T input) { } }
Use Generics in Programming
class TestGenericList { private class ExampleClass { } static void Main() { // Declare a list of type int. GenericList<int> list1 = new GenericList<int>(); // Declare a list of type string. GenericList<string> list2 = new GenericList<string>(); // Declare a list of type ExampleClass. GenericList<ExampleClass> list3 = new GenericList<ExampleClass>(); } }
Programming Example
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Generics_Example { //Declare Generics public class GenClass<T> { public void GenFunction(T printvalue) { Console.WriteLine(printvalue); } } public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Printing Integer Value"); GenClass<int> gen=new GenClass<int>(); gen.GenFunction(144); Console.WriteLine("Printing String Value"); GenClass<string> genstring=new GenClass<string>(); genstring.GenFunction("Hello String"); } } }

Printing Integer Value
Printing String Value
Hello String
Here, I have written the very simple program and hope you will understand it very easily. In the above program, I have created a Generic class GenClass
In this chapter, you learned What are Generics in C# Programming, Its benefit, and complete programming example.