In this chapter you will learn:
How to set up developing environment?
Where to download SQL and Visual Studio
How to set up developing environment?
Where to download SQL and Visual Studio
Setting up Environment
You can write command in any editor and the structure of commands, classes, and methods are same. Here, I am using Visual Studio 2015 and SQL 2012 for training.1. Download Visual Studio
If you don’t have visual studio installed on your PC you can download it from here.
Select Visual Studio Community Edition. After downloading, install it on your PC. The installation process is very easy and doesn't ask any complex configuration settings. It just follows click > click > Finish rules.
2. Download SQL Server Visual studio installs the light version of SQL while the installation of Visual Studio so there is no need to install SQL Server on your PC. But on my recommendation, a developer must have a complete environment so that they can explore more than the boundary. Installing SQL Server will give you more open and visual environment for developing and managing database objects. You can download SQL Server from here.
Select Developer Edition because it is free for the developer to develop and test databases. Installation of SQL Server is easy but you need to careful while selecting the list of components. You must select Management Studio checkbox when selecting components.
Now, your PC is ready to develop and test ADO.NET application. In the next chapter, you will make your first ADO.NET Program.